BL 4.2 Buckling safetySWP 2.5 Remaining life-timeDownloadEnquiry

Software for calculating stability and life-time

Our comprehensive knowledge of products and mechanical engineerig issues, coupled with our extensive experience in machine and system calculations and dimensioning over many years, lays the foundation for the development of our innovative software solutions.


BL 4.2 Buckling safety of stiffened rectangular plates

With our BL 4.2 software, buckling proofs of orthogonally stiffened rectangular plates can be prepared under widely arbitrarily conditions and loads.


  • The plate under examination may have rectangular recesses or holes, as well as variations in sheet thickness
  • Point loads and linearly variable line loads are permissible as loads at any point in the plane of the plate
  • Arrangement of any stiffeners is permitted


  • Buckling safety proof based on DIN 18800 part 3 or in accordance with DASt guideline 012
  • The buckling modes and buckling load factors are determined using the Finite Element Method (FEM).

SWP 2.5 Remaining life-time of hoists

According to the implementation instructions for the UVV "Winches, Lifting, and Pulling Devices," it is required to annually instruct on the safe operation of lifting devices. Our program reliably and precisely conducts the necessary calculations in accordance with the procedure specified in the UVV.


  • The application is user-friendly with variable menu-guided queries for describing the load history
  • The load history of the hoist is recorded transparently



  •  Determination of the utilized portion of the theoretical service life for the hoist under consideration
  • Comparison with the manufacturer's specifications for the total service life (e.g. classification according to the group of mechanism)


BL 4.2 Buckling safety of stiffened rectangular plates

  • Data sheet for BL 4.2
  • Manual for BL 4.2
  • Demo version for BL 4.2


SWP 2.5 Remaining life-time of hoists

  • Data sheet for SWP 2.5


Are you interested in our software solutions? If so, please contact us

Email: infoiffecde

Phone: +49 (0)341 4875 2269